Solved: A six story reinforced concrete framed office building for …


1 – A six story reinforced concrete framed office building for the Education Service Commission will be built on a proposed site at Kyambogo Kampala where the soils are expected to be of average quality and homogeneity. The building will have a 30m x 50m footprints, and is expected to be supported by a
spread footing located 1.5m below the ground. The site appears virgin with no disturbance, and the bedrock is estimated to be at 30m below. Propose the required number and depth of bore holes to be drilled during geotechnical investigation.

2- During the geotechnical investigation of the site in Qn(1) above, the geotechnical engineer proposed a standard penetration test (SPT) to be done on some critical boreholes to aid the prediction of the bearing strength of the foundation soil. The field data are as shown in the table below. The ground
water table was at 15m below the ground.

Answer 1

A six story reinforced concreteA six story reinforced concrete

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