(solved), A channel carries a discharge of 5 cumec with a flow depth 1 m. The side slopes are 1 to 1 and bed slope 1 in 3520. Find the bed width and the velocity. The values of Chezy’s C for this channel for different values of hydraulic radius R are as tabulated below

A channel carries a discharge


A channel carries a discharge of 5 cumec with a flow depth 1 m. The side slopes are 1 to 1 and
bed slope 1 in 3520. Find the bed width and the velocity. The values of Chezy’s C for this channel for different
values of hydraulic radius R are as tabulated below

Hydraulic radius0.
Chezy’s C3435363738394041


A channel carries a dischargeA channel carries a discharge

More on an irrigation channel discharge.

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