Dlubal RX-TIMBER 2.29.01/2022 Full version Crack Download

Dlubal RX-TIMBER 2.29.01 Full version

Dlubal RX-TIMBER 2.29.01 Full version Crack Download

Dlubal RX-TIMBER 2.29.01 Full version Crack Download

Dlubal RX-TIMBER Roof 2 for Windows is an independent software application that performs ultimate and serviceability limit state design, along with fire resistance design, for both mono-pitch and duo-pitch roofs, adhering to the standards set forth in EN 1995-1-1.

RX-TIMBER consists of a collection of DLUBAL software specifically designed to meet the unique needs of timber engineering. This package includes tools for the design of glued-laminated beams, continuous beams, columns, frames, purlins, and bracing systems. The relevant result combinations are automatically produced through the RF-COMBI add-on module, which is fully integrated into RX-TIMBER.


Various options are available for modeling a roof in Dlubal RX-TIMBER Roof. The graphical interfaces facilitate the input of geometry, and any changes made are automatically updated in the model.

Additionally, it is important to consider the reduction of cross-sections at the supports. It may also be necessary to determine if the design for support pressure on the rafter side requires further analysis.


  • The choice of designs to be executed includes ultimate limit state (ULS), serviceability limit state (SLS), and fire resistance.
  • Evaluation of displaying support forces and deformations.
  • Modifying the prescribed threshold values for the serviceability limit state.
  • Parameters for the fire resistance design will be specified in accordance with the simplified method.
  • Enhancing capacities in accordance with EN 1995-1-1, Section 3.2.
  • Design of the following roof types: Flat roof, mono-pitch roof, Duo-pitch roof (symmetrical/asymmetrical)
  • The detailed description of any additional support requirements and the complete freedom in choosing degrees of freedom, which encompasses the further independent specification of both translational and rotational spring stiffness for supports and releases.

  • Arrangement of up to five collar/tie beams, including intermediate support for duo pitch roof
  • Automatic generation of wind and snow loads
  • The automatic creation of necessary combinations for both the ultimate and serviceability limit states, along with the design for fire resistance, includes the further specification of various member and nodal loads.
  • Verifiable printout report with all required designs available in many languages, for example, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Czech, Polish, Portuguese, Dutch
  • Direct data export to MS Excel
  • DXF interface designed for the creation of production documentation within CAD systems.
  • The programming languages available include English, German, Czech, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Polish, and Russian.

System Requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 11 / Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 7
  • Processor: Multicore Intel Series or higher, Xeon, or an equivalent AMD processor.
  • RAM: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended

You may also initiate the Dlubal RX-TIMBER 2.29.01 Free Download by clicking on the button below. Additionally, this is a full offline installer and standalone setup for Dlubal RX-TIMBER 2.29.01, which is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit windows. check Etabs.


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