The ability of cement to retain its volume after hardening. This means that a properly sound cement will undergo minimum volume change after it converts into the hardened state. In the soundness test of cement, we determine the amount of excess lime. This test is conducted by Le-chatelier method and Autoclave Method. Here we will discuss Le-chattier method of determining the soundness of cement.

There for as a practical engineer, you must at all aspects carry out this test and observe all other necessary tests on construction material to prevent collapse and failure of structures, y’all know catastrophic the effect of structural failures.

Significance of Soundness Test on Cement

Cement is a composition of lime, silica, alumina, magnesia, alkaline, sulfur trioxide, iron oxide, and calcium sulfate. Among which, lime constitutes 60 to 70%. Hence, a cement deficient in lime will set quickly and will affect the property of the cement. Lime content in higher amount will make the cement unsound. An unsound cement will affect the quality of the cement work performed. This demands of soundness test of cement before using it. Through this test, it is ensured that the cement won’t undergo any sort of expansion due to the presence of excess amount of lime.

Moreover, The value of soundness of cement obtained for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Low heat cement, high alumina cement and rapid hardening cement must not exceed 10mm. The Le-chatline’s Method helps us to determine the lime present in the cement in excess. This is the excess lime that causes expansion of cement.

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