Social impact assessment of road infrastructure

Social impact assessment of road infrastructure 99 pdf download

Social impact assessment of road infrastructure, Social Impact Assessment (SIA) defined as an effect (both positive and negative) on a social issue resulting from infrastructure development projects (UNESCAP, 2001). It involves assessment of impacts on both communities and their environment. When viewed from the standpoint of sustainable livelihoods, an infrastructure project is likely to alter the asset base of communities and social impact assessment attempts to identify and, wherever possible, quantify these effects. However, a quick literature review reveals that attempts at gauging or measuring social impacts of infrastructure projects have been suggestive or, at best, normative. The main objectives of the Social Assessment exercises are to assess the Social Impact of the project, identify issues and assess consequent risk to the project due to positive and negative impact, measures to mitigate the negative impacts and risk due to the road interventions.

Social impact assessment of road infrastructure

(SIA) t involves identifying: significant potential positive and negative changes in peoples’ cultural traditions and lifestyles, their physical and psychological health, their families, their institutions and their community.

(SIA) is defined as an effect (both positive and negative) on a social issue resulting
from infrastructure development projects (UNESCAP, 2001). It involves assessment of impacts on both
communities and their environment. When viewed from the standpoint of sustainable livelihoods, an infrastructure
project is likely to alter the asset base of communities and social impact assessment attempts to identify and,
wherever possible, quantify these effects. However, a quick literature review reveals that attempts at gauging or
measuring  impacts of infrastructure projects have been suggestive or, at best, normative. The main objectives
of the Social Assessment exercises are to assess the Social Impact of the project, identify issues and assess
consequent risk to the project due to positive and negative impact, measures to mitigate the negative impacts and
risk due to the road interventions.

The means of Impact assessment as per the Comprehensive guide for (SIA) 2006 Centre
for Good Governance is that, Social problems arise largely due to conflicts between economic development and
natural resources. Economic losses and social costs from environmental degradation often occur long after the
economic benefits of development have been realized. Most often, the development projects provide economic
benefits and better living environment, but they also affect local people adversely. (SIA) help in understanding such impacts.


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