Road Maintenance Management Manual 2010

Road Maintenance Management Manual 2010

This road maintenance management manual is one of the series of engineering specifications, standards, manuals and guidelines issued by the Uganda ministry of works and transport. it gives guidance and recommendations to the engineers responsible for the maintenance of roads in the country.

Road Maintenance Management Manual 2010

Road Maintenance Management Manual 2010, Roads are regularly inspected for damage and preventative repairs are carried out to avoid accidents or more extensive work in the future.
The Road management activity involves the following tasks • Defining activities • Planning • Allocating resources • Organizing and motivating personnel • Controlling work • Monitoring and evaluating performance • Feeding back results to seek improvements.

In the UK, our roads are a key national asset. They provide the foundation for our economic activity and, on a smaller level, ensure that our day-to-day activities run smoothly and safely. Without roads we would not see economic developmental growth in our society nor would a large majority of us be able to access employment, social, health or education services. In short, roads are very important.

Because of this importance, keeping roads safe and operational is of the utmost importance. Which is where road and highway maintenance comes in.

Road maintenance is work that takes place on various roads. These roads could be motorways or smaller, backroad paths.
Whatever the job, the overarching aim of this work is to keep road users safe, manage traffic and maintain upkeep. This ensures that the road can continue to function efficiently for as long as possible.

Forms of road maintenance can include the following:

  • Pothole repair
  • Road resurfacing
  • Pavement resurfacing

Road maintenance also extends to the repair and unblocking of gullies or drains in a road,

replacement of grid and manhole covers, replacement and

repair of road signs or street names, and maintenance of green spaces (such as hedge cutting and weeding).

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