Monrovia Integrated Development Project/Liberia

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Public Works/ Project management Unit has
received financing from Agence Française de Développement (“AFD”) and intends to use part of
the funds thereof for payments under the Monrovia Integrated Development Project/Liberia Urban
Resilience Project.
The Services of the consultant shall consist of conducting an Involuntary Resettlement Audit
in order to clarify the compliance of the intervention undertaken by the Liberian government
on the Community Corner 1 in the Lakpazee site, both from the point of view of the national
legislation and the World Bank ESSs, especially the ESS5 “Land acquisition, restrictions on
land use and involuntary resettlement”. Consultations with the local population and
authorities confirmed that a resettlement/eviction process has indeed been undertaken by the
Local government in order to prepare the site for the AFD project.
The Ministry of Public Works/ Project Management Unit hereby invites applicants to show their
interest in delivering the Services described above.

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