Climate risk report

Guidelines For Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation and …


Pius Wakabi Kasajja
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries acknowledges the input from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) through the Policy Action for Climate Change Adaptation Project (PACCA) and USAID/Uganda Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Agriculture Activity (USAID- EEA) towards the preparation of these guidelines. These partners provided both technical and financial support towards the process.
Appreciation also goes to members of the MAAIF Climate Change Taskforce including Mr. Mutabazi Sunday the Chairperson, Mrs. Hakuza Anunciata the Taskforce Secretary and Climate Change Focal Person for MAAIF and Mr. Maholo Denis who is Senior Agricultural Economist in MAAIF.
This team worked closely with the partners through provision of information during the consultations that informed the formulation of these guidelines

The Government of Uganda recognizes climate change as one of the greatest challenges affecting agricultural production and productivity. Both the NDP II and ASSP emphasize the need implement measures to increase the country’s resilience to climate change.
The impacts of climate change in the Agricultural Sector are evident and include increasing temperatures, frequent droughts, flooding, prolonged dry spells, hailstorms, landslides, lightening, pests and disease epidemics and shifts in rainy seasons. These impacts of climate change have implications on economic development of Uganda since the majority of the population depends on

These guidelines were developed with the main objective of providing practical, step-by-step guidance for all stakeholders in agriculture sector, including the MAAIF Agencies and Local governments, on how to mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation in their planning and decision-making processes.
These guidelines are in line with the National Guidelines for Climate Change Mainstreaming
Ministry’s vision of “A competitive, profitable and sustainable agricultural sector” and the Global
Climate Change Protocols as recommended by the United Nations Convention on Climate Change.

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