East African Crude Oil

East African Crude Oil Pipeline: Environmental assessment Report.

The East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) will transport oil from the delivery point in Hoima District, Uganda, to a storage tank facility in Tanga District and a nearby offshore tanker loading platform, on the East African coast of Tanzania.  And Potential impacts, positive and negative on the economy, people, environment in Uganda have been described and  assessed
for many features considered to be valued and important to society (for example, protection of people’s livelihoods).
Measures to avoid or reduce negative impacts are described, after the measures are applied, the predicted remaining impacts are described. An environmental impact statement has been prepared based on the:
• Government of Uganda Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (1998)
• EACOP Scoping Report and terms of  reference approved by the National Environment Management Authority dated 19 September 2017.  E. African Crude Oil. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT, NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY.
Submitted for approval to: National Environment Management Authority.
By: Total East Africa Midstream BV Submission Date: January 2019. To build the E. African Crude Oil Pipeline, Total is moving over 2000 graves in East Africa countries, with no respect for local customs and The project proposed 1445 kilometer heated crude oil pipeline running through the heart East Africa region.

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