There are many texts available in the area of building technology, each with their own merits. Each new book in the field attempts to provide something extra, something different to set it apart from the rest. The result is an ever-expanding quantum of information for the student to cope with. While such texts are invaluable as reference sources, they are often difficult to use as learning vehicles. This text seeks to provide a truly different approach to the subject of construction technology associated with houses. Rather than being a reference source (although it may be used as such), the book provides a learning vehicle for students of construction and property-related subjects. It has been updated to incorporate changes in Building
Regulations and other legislation, and this fourth edition includes recent innovations in residential construction, particularly in the area of sustainable construction. The text is structured so that it provides a logical progression and development of
knowledge from first principles to more advanced concepts relating to the technology
of house construction. The content is aimed at students wishing to gain an understanding of the subject matter without the need to consult several different and costly
volumes. Unlike reference texts that are used for selectively accessing specific items
of information, this book is intended to be read as a continuous learning support
vehicle. While the student can access specific areas for reference, the major benefit
can be gained by reading the book from the start, progressing through the various
chapters to gain a holistic appreciation of the various aspects of house construction.

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