Project team thanks all the advisors and scientific consultants who helped to prepare the Climate Box interactive learning toolkit, particularly: Alexey Kokorin (WWF) for valuable advice in preparation of the sections ‘Climate сhange’ and ‘How climate change
affects the Arctic region‘; Yulia Kalinicheva (WWF) аssistance in preparing the wall map and poster; Alexey Soldatov (BSH Home Appliances LLC) and Olga Pegova (WWF) for their assistance in preparation of materials on the theme ‘Energy efficiency and energy saving’; The following teachers at School № 9 Pereslavl-Zalessky (Yaroslavl region, Russia) who helped in work on the Climate Box toolkit: Vera Zabavina, Svetlana Rudneva, Tatiana Gordeyeva, Svetlana Tokar, Galina Vorozhtsova, Olga Volodina, Tatiana Kukushkin, Galina Vasikova, Lyudmila Bubnova. Climatic Box: An interactive learning toolkit on climatic change. / V. Berdin, E. Gracheva, Y. Dobrolyubova et al. – United Nations Development Programme, 2018. – 254, [2]. The Climate Box textbook is part of an interactive learning toolkit on climatic change aimed at the primary and secondary school students and teachers specializing in natural sciences and environment studies. The toolkit was prepared by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) with financial support from the Global Environment Facility, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Coca-Cola Company. Climate Box continues a series of environmental toolkits for students, which also includes the Black Sea Box and Baikal’s Little Treasure Chest

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