Conservation Of Nature

Conservation Of Nature And Natural Resources for Africa

Conservation Of Nature, We, the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the African Union (AU), Conscious

that the natural environment of Africa and the natural resources with which Africa is endowed

are an irreplaceable part of the African heritage and constitute a capital of vital importance to the continent

and humankind as a whole; Confirming, as we accepted upon declaring our adherence to the Charter of the Organization

of African Unity, that it is our duty “to harness the natural and human resources of our continent for the total

advancement of our peoples in spheres of human endeavor

Conscious of the ever-growing importance of natural resources

from economic, social, cultural and environmental

points of view Affirming
that the conservation of the global environment

is a common concern of
human kind as a whole, and the conservation of the African environment
a primary concern of all Africans. Conservation Of Nature.

Conservation of nature means the protection of species from extinction or harm. It can include maintaining and restoring habitats, and protecting biological diversity as well as preventing the wasteful use of resources.

Every natural ecosystem works in balance.

furthermore, If you remove or damage any part of the ecosystem, it has a ‘knock on’ effect on all other parts of the system.

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