Problem Solved; Question 06. Write short notes about..applied in fluid mechanics.

fluid mechanics

fluid mechanics problems

Question six

(a) Write short notes about the following as they are applied in fluid mechanics

(i) Uniform flow.

= Uniflow is a flow in which the velocity is the same at a given instant at every point in the fluid.

(ii) Uniform stead flow

This flow is the one in which all conditions at6 any point in a stream remains constant with respect to time, here the quantity of liquid flowing per second through any section is constant.

(b)Consider a cylinder of fluid of length L and radius R flowing steadily in the center of a pipe of radius r as shown below.

Show that when the flow in the pipe is laminar the pressure loss is directly proportional to the velocity and obeys the equation.


Where v is the velocity D is the diameter of the pipe

fluid mechanics fluid mechanics

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