Stairs and Staircase lecture Notes full summary.

Stairs and Staircase (Lecture Notes) Sample pdf Document


What is a stair

A stair is a Serie of suitably arranged steps to provide a means of ascend and descend within floors. Stairs are a structure designed to bridge a large vertical distance between lower and higher levels by dividing it into smaller vertical distances.

They may change direction, commonly by two straight flights connected at a 90° angle landing.

Many variations of geometrical stairs may be formed of circular, elliptical and irregular constructions.

What are straight stairs?

Straight stairs are stairs without any changes in direction.  Below are examples of straight floating stairs made with a variety of stringer styles, railing types, and wood species.

Disadvantages of Straight Stairs:

  • Straight stairs use up a fair amount of linear space, which has to be planned for in your design.
  • Some of the other stair types create a privacy barrier between the floors of your home. Straight stairs do not offer this privacy.
  • A stair 12-feet high requires a landing to break up the span.

What are spiral stairs?

Spiral stairs follow a helical arc. They usually have a very compact design and the treads radiate around a central pole.

Advantages of Spiral Stairs:

  • One of the key advantages of spiral stairs is their compactness. They are very popular on beach front decks where space is at a premium.
  • ….
Stairs and Staircase
Wooden Dog let stairs
Stairs and Staircase
Concrete Dog leg stairs







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