Lifts and Escalators Notes (Transportation system in buildings)

Lifts and Escalators Sample pdf Document


What is a Lift ?

The lift is a type of vertical transport equipment that efficiently moves people or goods between floors (levels, decks) of a building, vessel or other structure. generally powered by electric motors that either drive cables, hoist, or pump hydraulic fluid to raise a cylindrical piston like a jack.


Physical Requirements Lifts and Escalators

Size of lift shaft – depends on lift cargo capacity
Depth of lift shaft – depends on the speed of elevator
Area of space in lift – …..
Mechanical room size – …..

 Hydraulic lifts

•  Pascal’s Principle state that the pressure given to liquid in closed chamber will be continued by the liquid to every direction with uniform and the same magnitude.

Traction Lifts (Machine lifts)

•Principle : see – saw the car is raised and lowered by traction steel ropes rather than pushed from below.
•The ropes are attached to the elevator car, looped around a sheave &connected to an electric motor.
•when the motor turns one way, the sheave raises the elevator; when the motor turns the other way, the sheave lowers the elevator.
•Typically, the sheave, the motor and the control system are all housed in a machine room above the
elevator shaft.

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  • A proposed multi-story block of insitu concrete frame is to be constructed. Sketch a typical site lay out having the following and any other you think is very important
  • Concrete mixing plant and aggregate storage
  • Site accommodation
  • Site access
  • Hoarding and security gate
  • Tower crane (27m) and hoist
  • Reinforcement bending area
  • Material storage
  • Temporary services


  1. a) Define the term formwork.           (1marks)
  2. b) The principle of construction of formworks must revolve around the following requirements; strength, durability, ease of fixing and striking, Impermeability. Explain the four (4) requirements.           (4marks)
  3. c) List two (2) example of temporary works a part from scaffolding (1marks)
  4. d) What do you understand by the term Scaffold, give any three types of scaffolds

 (4 marks)

  1. e) With an aid of sketches, describe the process of constructing a put – log scaffolds commonly used on simple sites. (5marks)

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