Health safety welfare in construction sites (Lecture Notes)
Health safety welfare in construction sites (Lecture Notes) Sample pdf Document
- HEALTH: This is the condition of the body. It is the physical and mental state of the body.
- SAFETY: Is the state of being free from harm.
- WORK SHOP: Is any place, room or house permanently designed and planned for work activities.
- Accidents are reduced
- ….
- Reduces losses
- Increases efficiency
- Increases production

The employees have a duty to care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions. Therefore, they must:
Ø Take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves or others as a result of their work activities
Ø Co-operate with their employers, helping them to comply with the requirements of the act
Hazardous substances include:
Ø Any substance which gives off fumes causing headaches or respiratory irritation
Ø Man made fibers which might cause skin or eye irritation(e.g. loft insulation)
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