Design Of Steel Structures: Introductory Notes

Design Of Steel Structures. Introduction. summary Notes Sample pdf Document



Metal structure made of structural steel components connected together to carry loads and provide rigidity.

The introduction of welding at the end of the 19th century enabled the design and construction of light-weight and thin-walled structures such as domes, pipes, building skeletons, etc. Different theories for analysis developed. Industrial countries published codes and standards for design and production of
steel structures.

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NB, Use these notes in conjunction with concise Eurocodes and the British steel table database.

Design Of Steel Beam






Example 3.1 Analysis of a column resisting an axial load (EC 3)

Check the suitability of the 203 × 203 × 60 kg m 1 UC section in S275 steel to resist a design axial compression
force of 1400 kN. Assume the column is …

Example 3.2 Analysis of a column with a tie-beam at mid-height (EC 3)

Recalculate the axial compression resistance of the column in Example 3.1 if a tie-beam is introduced at mid-height
such that in-plane buckling about the z–z axis is prevented (see below).

Example 3.3 Analysis of a column resisting an axial load and moment (EC 3)

A 305 × 305 × 137 UC section extends through a height of 3.5 metres and is pinned at both ends. Check whether
this member is suitable to support a design axial permanent load of 600 kN together with a major axis variable
bending moment of 300 kN-m applied at the top of the element. Assume S275 steel is to be used and that all
effective length factors are unity


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