Roadway Design Manual 2015, The State Of New Jersey-US
Roadway Design Manual, This manual presents the current Department guidelines pertaining to design
on the State Highway system. It provides a means of developing uniformity and safety in the design of a highway system consistent with the needs of the motoring and non-motoring users.
It is recognized that situations occur where good engineering judgment will dictate deviation from the current Department design guidelines. Any such deviations from design guidelines relative to the following controlling design elements (CDE鈥檚), as
contained in Sections 4 through 7, will require an approved design exception (Except
where Exempted by the NJDOT Design Exception Manual):
Controlling Design Elements (Roadway)
Stopping Sight Distance (vertical curves, horizontal curves, and non-signalized
Superelevation (for mainline and ramps)
Minimum Radius of Curve (for mainline and ramps)
Minimum and Maximum Grades
Cross Slope
Lane Width (through and auxiliary)
Shoulder Width