Construction Manual, The quality of materials used on the project will be

evaluated and accepted in various ways, whether by testing of samples, visual inspection, or certification of compliance.
Requirements for materials are described in Standard Specifications for Road Bridge.
The State Materials Engineer is responsible for the state’s materials approval and acceptance program, and the Quality Assurance Program. Any changes or deviations to the approval or acceptance of materials, or the Quality Assurance Program beyond what.. The State Materials Engineer can issue changes via memorandums or emails that amend and replace the directions and policies in
Materials as well as materials approval, acceptance and Quality Assurance Program policies and directions in this manual to address unforeseen issues.
Construction Manual, It is the Project Engineer’s responsibility to accept materials in accordance with this
chapter. For materials that do not meet specification requirements, the Project Engineer shall contact the State Construction Office which will coordinate with the State Materials Engineer or Assistant State Materials Engineer to determine the appropriate action.

The options that are available to the Project Engineer for approving and modifying the
acceptance of materials are the following sections:
• Section 9-1.1A Sampling and Testing for Small Quantities of Materials
• Section 9-1.1B Reducing Frequency of Testing
//  C Project Engineer Discretionary Materials Approval/Acceptance
// D Optional Approval/Acceptance for Materials


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