Civil Engineering Student Handbook, It is indeed with great pleasure that I warmly welcomebyou to the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya. Welcome by the Head of the Department As the pioneers in civil engineering education in Sri Lanka, the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Peradeniya has made significant contributions to the nation over the past seven decades and continues to produce engineers of high calibre, fortified with engineering knowledge as
well as skills in design, problem solving, research, management and communication, amongst other, whilst performing high-quality research and providing services to the nation.
The efforts of our founding fathers and their foresight and wisdom together with the core values that they have instilled are the solid foundation upon which the department has grown and continues to stand stronger.

The pioneering works of the personel of this institution over the history of its existence, be it in teaching, in research and development, or through industry interaction, have shown the way forward for others to follow.

The students of the department have graduated to become leaders of the industry and in academia as well as in administration, and above all, useful and productive citizens of the country.
With an annual intake of 150 undergraduate and a nearly equal number of postgraduate students, together with an extremely well-qualified academic staff of 37 and 47 members of non-academic staff, and covering all major
sub-disciplines of civil engineering, the department is one of the largest of its
kind in the country, the region and beyond.

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