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Question 4 An open rectangular channel laid at a constant slope is required to carry a maximum discharge of 5 m3 /s and a minimum discharge of 1 m3 /s at a constant velocity of 1 m/s at all depths of flow. Compute graphically or otherwise the top width at

Trapezoidal Channel Question 3 A canal is to have a trapezoidal section with one side vertical and the other sloping at 45 degrees. It has to carry 30 m3 of water per second with a mean velocity of 1 m/s. Compute the dimensions of the section which will require the

Discharge formula for a trapezoidal channel Question 2 Show that the discharge formula for a trapezoidal channel, having Manning’s coefficient n = 0.0126 and carrying maximum flow is given by where Q is discharge in m3 /s; y is depth of flow in m in the channel of side slopes

Maximum flow in trapezoidal channel Question 1. Show that for a trapezoidal channel of given area of flow, the condition of maximum flow requires that hydraulic mean depth is equal to one half the depth of flow. Read more, Different Types Of Flow in Channels Maximum flow in trapezoidal channel