Classify the beam challenges.
Classify the beam challenges shown in Figure 3.1 through Figure 3.5 as stable, determinate, or indeterminate, and state the degree of indeterminacy where necessary.
= 7, m = 2, c = 0, j = 3.
Note, 3m+r >3(j)+c. = 13 > 9. beam is statically indeterminate with 4°.

r = 6, m = 3, c = 0, j = 4. 3m+r>3j+c. 15 > 12, The beam is statically indeterminate with 3°
Classify the beam.
r = 5, m = 3, c = 1, j = 4. 3m+r > 3j+c 14 > 13, beam is statically indeterminate with 1°
r = 5, m = 4, c = 1, j = 5 3m+r > 3j+c 17 > 16, The beam is statically indeterminate with 1°
r = 5, m = 5, c = 2, j = 6 3m+r > 3j+c 9 = 9, the beam is statically determinate with 0° of indeterminacy.