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Category: Geotechnical Engineering

Problem 6.8, solved Compaction of soil

Compaction of soil: The maximum and the minimum unit weight of a sand collected from the field were determined in the laboratory as 18.38kn/m^3, respectively. it is required that the sand in the field be

Problem 4 solved, Effective stresses

Effective stresses: In a deposit of fine sand the water table was at 3m below the ground surface but the sand up to a height of 1m above the water table was saturated by capillary

Problem 3 solved, Water pore pressure

Water pore pressure: For the soil profile given below determine the total and effective stresses at point A. What will be the total, neutral (water pore pressure ) and effective stresses at point if the

Problem 2 solved, Pore pressure in soil

Pore pressure in soil For the given soil profile, How high should the water table rise so that the effective stress at C is 190kn/m^3, assume saturation to be the same for both layers as


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