ProtaStructure 2025

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What is New

  • Incorporate shear wall moment and shear seismic envelopes in accordance with Eurocode 8 into your structural designs. Conduct a thorough analysis of vertical seismic impacts on structures, particularly for large-span beams, slabs, cantilevers, and transfer elements. This capability ensures that your designs are resilient and can effectively resist vertical seismic forces.Optimize workflow by utilizing dedicated combination groups for ultimate limit state (ULS) and serviceability limit state (SLS) evaluations for both steel and reinforced concrete (RC) components. The enhanced load combination editor provides an improved user experience and visual clarity.Model and analyze either cast-in-place or prefabricated one-way slabs using orthotropic shell elements.

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design steel structures

Design of Steel Structures

The General rules and rules for buildings of part 1-1 of Eurocode 3
constitute the core of the code procedures for the design of steel structures.
They contain the basic guidance for structural modeling and analysis of steel frameworks and the rules for the evaluation of the resistance of structuralmembers and components subject to different loading conditions
ISSN 2366-259X ISSN 2366-2603 (electronic)
Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering
ISBN 978-3-319-95473-8 ISBN 978-3-319-95474-5 (eBook

Failure case studies in civil engineering

Failure Case Studies In Civil Engineering

Failure Case Studies In Civil Engineering, Published by American Society of Civil Engineers
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Reston, Virginia, 20191-4400
Any statements expressed in these materials are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ASCE, which takes no responsibility for any statement made herein. No reference made in this publication to any specific method, product, process, or service constitutes or implies an endorsement, recommendation, or warranty thereof by
ASCE. The materials are for general information only and do not represent a standard ofThe goal of this book is to present a method of compiling consistently accurate construction cost estimates in a minimum of time. The method can easily be integrated with the latest technology available to obtain soaring productivity; it is a method of estimating that offers extensive review and control capabilities because it is consistent with the basic procedures followed by professional estimators and quantity surveyors in the construction industry.
The method presented is intended to represent a standard or basic core that can be adopted in the many types of construction estimating used across the wide. variety of construction work.

Construction Manual

Construction Manual


Christian Schittich Dipl.-Ing., architect, Chief Editor of the journal Detail, Munich Gerald Staib Prof. Dipl.-Ing., freelance architect, Chair of Building Structures & Design, Dresden University of Technology Dieter Balkow Dipl.-Ing., publicly appointed independent expert for glass in buildings & daylighting
Director of the Swiss Institute for Glass in Building, Zurich Matthias Schuler Dipl.-Ing., Managing Partner of Transsolar Energietechnik, Stuttgart Werner Sobek Prof. Dr.-Ing., Head of the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design, University of Stuttgar


This manual presents the current Department guidelines pertaining to roadway design on the State Highway system. It
provides a means of developing uniformity and safety in the design of a highway system consistent with the needs of the motoring and non-motoring users.
It is recognized that situations occur where good engineering judgment will dictate deviation from the current Department design guidelines.

Properties of Concrete for use in Eurocode 2

Properties of Concrete for use in Eurocode 2

Section 3 of BS EN 1992-1-1 gives principles and rules for normal- and high-strength concrete (15–105MPa cube strength) and for normal-weight concrete. Lightweight aggregate concrete (< 2200kg/m3) is covered in section 11 of the Code and is not covered in
this publication.
Guidance is given on the use of Eurocode2 (EC2) and on the corresponding UK National Annex (generally to Eurocode 2-1-1). Where a ‘nationally determined parameter’ which specifically applies to the UK is given, this is stated or denoted (NDP), and this value may
be different for other CEN member countries

Where an equation from Eurocode 2 is quoted, the Eurocode equation reference is highlighted alongside the equation in the text.
A list of European, national and international standards referred to in this publication is given under references at the back.

concrete building structures

Manual for the design of concrete building structures to Eurocode 2

This Manual is a complete revision to the Manual for the design of reinforced concrete building structures to EC2 March 2000 previously published jointly by the Institution of Structural
Engineers and the Institution of Civil Engineers, but follows the same basic format. It provides guidance on the design of reinforced and pre-stressed concrete building structures that do not rely on bending in the columns for their resistance to horizontal forces and are also non-sway. The limit state design of foundations is included but the final design of pre-stressed concrete structures has
been excluded. Structures designed in accordance with this Manual will normally comply with Eurocode 2. However it is not intended to be a substitute for the greater range of Eurocode 2. The NDPs from the UK NA have been taken into account in the design formulae that are presented.

Eurocode 2 design of concrete buildings


The series of European standards commonly known as “Eurocodes”, EN 1992 (Eurocode 2, in the following also listed as EC2) deals with the design of reinforced concrete structures – buildings, bridges and other civil engineering works. EC2 allows the calculation of action effects and of resistances of concrete structures submitted to specific actions and contains all the prescriptions and good practices for properly detailing the reinforcement.

EC2 consists of three parts:
o EN 1992-1 Design of concrete structures – Part 1-1 General rules and rules for buildings, Part 1-2 Structural fire design (CEN, 2002)
o EN 1992-2 Design of concrete structures – Part 2: Concrete Bridges – Design and detailing rules (CEN, 2007).
o EN 1992-3 Design of concrete structures – Part 3: Liquid retaining and containment structures (CEN, 2006).

Roadway Design Manual

Roadway Design Manual 2015, The State Of New Jersey-US

This manual presents the current Department guidelines pertaining to roadway design on the State Highway system. It
provides a means of developing uniformity and safety in the design of a highway system consistent with the needs of the motoring and non-motoring users.
It is recognized that situations occur where good engineering judgment will dictate deviation from the current Department design guidelines.


Highway Design Manual (Revised January 2023) American Units

The Connecticut Highway Design Manual has been developed to provide uniform design practices for preparing roadway plans. The Manual presents most of the information normally required in the design of a typical highway project. The highway designer should attempt to meet all criteria presented in the Manual; however, the Manual should not be considered a standard that must be met regardless of impacts.

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