Legal authority governing transport in Liberia

Legal authority governing transport in Liberia, This desk study identifies and describes key LLR  requirements related to the
construction of a trans-Liberian railroad and a port
facility. The Environmental Law Institute (ELI)
identified potential requirements for the construction of a rail line assuming either the use of existing
rail track or a new line parallel to the existing line,
with the possibility of the line running in or near the
Nimba Mountains.

Therefore, the research for this study involved the review of
laws and regulations of Liberia governing environmental, natural resources, social, and cultural issues,
as well as those relating to property ownership and
business practices. It should be noted, however,
that the examination of Liberian authorities is
limited to those pieces of legislation that could be
accessed electronically, found through various internet resources, or were codified in Volumes 2-5 of the
Liberian Code Revised, 2001.

Moreover, the Liberian Ministries may also have internal administrative
requirements not readily apparent from a desk study
review. Appendix A lists the laws and regulations
ELI reviewed for this preliminary report, and these…
legal requirements.

Therefore, The study also highlights those areas in which, in the
absence of specific Liberian authority, international
standards could be imposed. Moreover, if a rail/port
project is funded in part with development bank
funding, the project may trigger the imposition of
the bank’s standards and procedures.

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